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  • Writer's pictureYogesh Jain

7 Killer Headline Tips to Help You Increase Website Traffic by 500%

Updated: Mar 28

How many times did it happen that you wrote a stunning copy, quoted facts, and figures, making sure that the information was fresh, but nobody ever came to read it? As copywriters, it is very depressing to see that the articles cannot attract readers. Without traffic, you can never earn authority or generate revenue from your site. If you are trying to use inbound marketing, then forget about leads without traffic. One way to solve this issue is to use interesting headlines. The traffic on an article can vary by as much as 500% based on the headline, making it the most important part of the content. Without a proper headline, you won’t be able to attract potential customers to your content irrespective of its quality. In this blog, we will discuss killer headline tips to increase website traffic by using data-backed ideas. Here is an infographic to give you crisp information on the headline tips (MOZ-backed stats):

Tips to wirte better headlines backed by statistics

7 Effective Headline Tips to Increase Website Traffic:

Here are the 7 headline tips you can begin using right now to write killer headlines. These punches will bring out the best title that can attract readers and convert them into steady traffic to your site:

1. Use Numbers:

36% of readers prefer to click on a headline with a number. A number gives specificity to the article and helps the writer stick to the script. Numbers are brain candy. The reader will know exactly what he will get and how informative the content will probably be. Numbered posts also attract busy readers, since they are easily skim-read. Try adding a number at the beginning of your headline for maximum effect. Though usually, odd numbers work better than even numbers, there is no limitation to which you should use.

2. Draft the Headline Before the Article:

80% of readers never make it past the headline, making it your best shot for traction. This means that you should give quality time to plan a headline. Many writers draft articles first and then use whatever headline they think would fit in. Writing your headline beforehand ensures that you don’t deviate from the topic. Try creating 5 to 6 variations of the headline for a single topic and then go for the best one. This will cause better, more focused articles along with creative headlines.

3. Make a Promise:

Open the headline with a promise to the reader to show value. Promises push the readers to come out and actually read the content. They give readers the context about why should they care about reading the article. You can try simple examples like including a direct benefit as I did in this article. If you want to try something creative, then try promises that don’t really show value but ignite curiosity. For example, “Steal like an artist: How to Copy Inspiring Ideas From Your Competitors”. Ensure that your headlines convey what your content offers. Over-promising or misleading titles will negatively impact your site’s authority and bounce rates. Read More: How to make a content plan for inbound marketing in 5 steps?

4. Use Superlatives:

51% of people prefer a superlative in a headline. Try using best, ever, perfect, smartest, etc. in your headline copy. Superlatives work because people are inclined to click on something that promises better-than-average content. There is an enormous amount of content out there. The situation of content overload has made people fancy articles that deliver the best in the industry. This can also give an SEO advantage because people use words like ‘top’ and ‘best’ while searching.

5. Make Your Headlines Unique:

Everyone is trying common headlines, the ones that people have heard multiple times. By bringing something new to the table, you can easily earn more traction and click-through rate. To ensure that your headline is unique, you can search your headline using double quotes (“Your Headline Idea”) on google. While trying to create a unique headline, don’t use overly complicated language. Use simple words and tie them creatively. Complicated language can cause a loss of traction from potential visitors because they couldn’t understand the topic. Copywriting is more than just attracting visitors. Know the job role of a copywriter.

6. Avoid Clickbaiting:

Clickbait is the use of over-smart titles to attract many visitors to your posts. You should always avoid this technique if you want to establish your authority online. Clickbait is when you either over-promise and under-deliver or make a completely fake promise. At some point, your audience will understand your technique and stop clicking on any of your articles, resulting in long-term losses.

7. Make the Headline SEO Friendly:

Try including a direct keyword in your headline for SEO benefit. For example, I used “What do Copywriters DO?” in my headline copy for an article on the job role of a copywriter. Many copywriters still rely on Google as their major source of traffic. By optimizing your headline for search engines, you can ensure steady long-term traffic to your post. Also, your headline and URL need not be the same. If possible, remove any stop words from your URL to make room for more keywords for SEO. By following these tips, you can create a lot more effective titles in less time. If you are looking for someone to enable you to leverage content marketing, then feel free to connect. I provide consultation on a pro-bono basis for startups and would love to associate with high-impact companies.

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